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Please contact me through the inquiry form. Since my guided tours are often quickly booked up, it's important to respond promptly. Friends and regular guests will be offered seats first, but there are often openings available.

Since I always aim to secure the best travel dates for the group, I often need to book the travel week up to two years in advance. The prime weeks tend to get reserved quickly. That's why you can often find the scheduled trips on my website long before the actual travel dates.

You report the loss. If the luggage doesn't arrive later, we'll support each other and provide you with the necessary fishing equipment. Don't worry, we've encountered this issue before and have always managed it successfully. You have friends with you.

You can rely on me 100%. I personally know the destinations and the people behind them.

Additionally, I only book the best weeks. You can also be sure that you'll always be at the water at the right time - the prime time.

The people who travel with me are all great, and we always have a lot of fun together. If there's ever a problem, we can rely on each other and won't leave anyone in the lurch.

You won't pay more than if you were to book the trip yourself. After the trip, you'll receive a high-quality printed photo album as a keepsake.

To keep the price low, I always book directly with the travel provider and not through a travel agency.

You communicate your travel decision to me, and I manage the travel list and forward it to the travel provider in a timely manner.

I recommend booking the flights with the same travel agency so that the arrival and departure can be as synchronized as possible. This has proven to be effective: If any issues arise during the journey, we can support each other and act together.

I always maintain contact with the travel providers and inform all participants about the essential details. I'm readily available and happy to assist with any questions. I personally know each travel destination as well as the guides and managers on-site.

Flyfish Adventure is not a travel agency or company. Flyfish Adventures is me - Helmut Zaderer - as a private individual. Due to my years of travel experience, I have built many contacts with fly fishing enthusiasts (like myself) and travel providers. I only accompany during the best weeks. I assemble the group, accompany the trip, and assist with the organization and communication between the traveler and the travel provider.

At the lodge, yacht, etc., I ensure harmony and satisfaction within the group and am always available as a troubleshooter should any issues arise.

Fly-fishing trips with good acquaintances and friends. It's so much nicer to travel with like-minded individuals and acquaintances and share your experiences together.

It always depends on the travel conditions set by the tour operator. The travel conditions are always accessible, even before booking, and can be found on the travel operator's website. However, I strongly recommend getting travel cancellation insurance without fail. Likewise, travel health insurance is essential. Depending on the destination and country, it may even be mandatory.

I always create a travel WhatsApp group for each trip, so we can stay in touch at all times. I am always striving to find solutions if someone gets stuck. It's also a good idea to book flights through the same travel agency so that we can travel together as much as possible.

To avoid losing the travel costs in case of later cancellation or if the trip cannot be taken due to illness, I recommend taking out insurance. The premiums are not high, but the loss of the travel price in the event of a cancellation can be substantial.

I am a passionate photographer and also enjoy filming. Often, I have a professional videographer with me.

At the end of each trip, I use my photos and collect those of the guests. Each traveler then receives a beautiful printed photo album as a souvenir, free of charge, two to three months after the trip. You can also find photo albums from all of my trips on this website.