Wildest Nature

Midfjardara | Islanda


Lachsfischen in Island - Ich habe immer wieder davon gehört. Viele beschreiben begeistert die Schönheit der Landschaft und der Flüsse. Wenn Sie wirklich große Atlantiklachse fangen möchten, ist Island vielleicht nicht das beste Ziel. Die meisten Flüsse haben starke Grilse-Läufe; während der Hauptzeit im Juli und August sind die besten isländischen Flüsse voller frischer Grilse (junge Lachse). Zu Beginn der Saison ist die Chance, größere Lachse zu fangen, höher. Ein Lachs, der mehr als 20 Pfund wiegt, gilt in Island als beachtlich und relativ selten.

Gerade erst aus Kharlovka zurückgekehrt und immer noch voller Lachsfieber, suche ich nach einer Gelegenheit für weitere Tage des Lachsfischens. Im Internet finde ich eine kurzfristige Möglichkeit aufgrund einer Stornierung für eine erstklassige Angelrute mit individueller Führung am Fluss Midfjardara, die ich impulsiv buche.

Midfjardara | Islanda
14. - 21. July 2014


The Arrival

I will fly from Innsbruck via Dortmund to Reykjavík, where I will be picked up at the airport and taken to the Hotel Holt. The next morning, I will meet my colleagues at breakfast before we set off for the Midfjardara on a taxi bus journey of more than three hours. The typical duration for salmon fishing stays in Iceland is usually offered as three and a half days of fishing. This holds true for the Midfjardara as well.



At the Lodge

The lodge is quite new, modern, and well-furnished. Each guest has a single room, everything is very clean, and the food is truly top-notch. Rabbi, the leaseholder and lodge manager, is doing an excellent job. Everything runs smoothly, guides and staff are exceptional.

My guide, Kristjan Evar Gunarson, is truly skilled and a personable guy who is always committed to catching fish. Thank you, Kristjan, for the wonderful days!

During the peak season, the five beats are fished with ten rods. Nupsa, Vestura, Austura, and Midfjardara - these are the four rivers available. With 115 kilometers and over 200 pools for 10 rods, there are always good and rested spots to find.

Fishing in Midfjardara

The rivers are small, crystal clear, and usually best fished with a single-handed rod. Only a floating line is necessary, as the salmon are fresh, silver, and aggressive. I find the best results with a line weight of 7 and a length of 9.6 feet. It's a beautiful surface fishing experience with hitch tubes or small surface flies on fine leaders. Highly technical and demanding.

In three and a half days, I catch 14 salmon. Surprisingly, there are hardly any grilse among them, but rather all good-sized salmon. Two of them measure well over 90 cm!

I really enjoy Iceland and fishing on the Midfjardara. I plan on coming back!

On the day of departure, there's ample time in the afternoon since I have an evening flight. I spend some relaxed hours at the Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa fed by volcanic thermal water. It's a tourist magnet in Reykjavík.


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of the trip